
Intercession is a very important role and one that is very rewarding in many, many ways.

Intercessors get an opportunity to share God’s heart for his church. We get to partner with God through prayer and bring about what He wants to accomplish in the lives of His people and all that He has in store for His church. Through prayer we support the other ministries to accomplish what God wants to do.

Intercession is one of the ways we experience a greater presence of God and power-filled services. It transforms lives and helps people to grow and be the people they have been called to be. Most importantly it allows God to have His way in people’s lives. 



Our vision is help fulfill the Great Commission by working hard to invite people to come to Sunday services, to build up the local church!

Our goal is to raise up a large team of committed members who will com- mit to regularly witness to friends, family and others, and invite them to church. This commitment is for each week.